Saturday, 13 December 2008

Some words from Inge

Thank you all very much for the lovely flowers, thoughtful cards and the many generous donations towards Didi's funeral, too numerous to mention by name. You all know who you are!
Also thank you for the lovely comments on the website.

Special thanks to Merv & Netty and Paul & Nikki for helping with the funeral arrangements. Charlie with the music. Pip for setting up this memorial site and Gary for the memorial on 'Starship Overflow'. My sister Ellen and Sharon for their moral support, which goes for everybody and the many kind offers of help you have given me.

I hope I havent left anybody out. If I have, you have not been forgotten, only mislaid temporarily. Thank you all very much again.

Well, that's all, except life without Didi won't be the same from now on. I miss him dreadfully already.

Rest in peace my love
Your Inge xxx